#Excel Filtered List Using a Calculated Column to Count Occurrence Number by...
In this example, each record of an industrial process includes a composition (or run) number, a process type and a final status. The goal is to create a column that will show the order of records with...
View Article#Excel: Creating A List Made Up Of Formulas From A Filtered List by David Hager
Well, after working on the previous post about occurrence number in a filtered list,...
View ArticleUsing TEXTJOIN: Generating a Sorted Unique Array in #Excel using Only...
I like to review articles from various Excel sites to get ideas for new creations and to use the “formula technology” displayed there. I was reading an article from Oscar’s great Excel site at...
View Article#Excel Shift Calendar by David Hager
I built this shift calendar workbook years ago, but I never shared it online. You can name the shifts in G4:G5. You can use the ShiftDataEntry sheet to change the shifts if desired. Shift1 is known as...
View ArticleTEXTJOIN: Multiple Lookup Values in a Single Cell (With/Without Duplicates)...
A recent post on Twitter pointed to an article on the very good trumpexcel.com site. https://trumpexcel.com/multiple-lookup-values-single-cell-excel/ In the article, the following statement was made....
View ArticleUsing #Excel VBA to Create a Filter Criteria User Defined Function by David...
Some of the very best Excel work in the early years was done by Stephen Bullen. His legacy Excel site still exists, but it has not been updated in many years. http://www.oaltd.co.uk/Excel/Default.htm...
View ArticleUsing the SUBTOTAL Function in #Excel To Aggregate Values From Multiple...
So, imagine a scenario where 4 filtered lists reside in the same position on adjacent worksheets that have “sequential” names. Perhaps each list comes from a monthly summary, but filtering is applied...
View ArticleMine3D for #Excel: An Excel-based Game by David Hager
I would like to share with you an Excel game that I made back in the day. It is called Mine 3D, and it works like the popular minesweeper game, except that the playing board is “3 dimensional”. The...
View Article#Excel Identifying if a String is the Anagram of Another String Using the...
Using Excel native formulas to identify anagrams is quite rare. I could find only one example. https://excelxor.com/2014/08/30/advanced-formula-challenge-2-results-and-discussion/ The methodology for...
View Article#Excel VBA: Create a Table of File Locations and URLs for Your Favorites by...
This is one of my personal Excel applications that I have used over the years to collect information on my Internet Favorites. When you run the CreateURLListFromFiles procedure, it creates a list of...
View Article#Excel: Using Advanced Filter with a Custom List By David Hager
In a previous article about Excel’s advanced filter, https://dhexcel1.wordpress.com/2017/03/25/using-the-excel-advanced-filter-to-a-list-having-internal-numbers-in-a-string-by-david-hager/ I used a...
View Article#Excel: Four Super Filter Techniques by David Hager
I wanted to improve a few design features and eliminate a few bugs in some of my related recent posts, so I have combined the concepts demonstrated by the following 4 articles located at:...
View ArticleExcel Short and Sweet Tip #1 (Alphabetic String With TEXTJOIN) by David Hager
In many cases an alphabetic string is needed in certain Excel formula constructions. The easiest way to generate this string is with the following: =TEXTJOIN(“”,,CHAR(64+ROW(1:26))) ‘ array-entered...
View Article#Excel Short & Sweet Tip (Find Formulas)#2
With the active cell at A1, create a defined name formula in Name Manager called IsFormula using this Excel formula: =LEFT(FORMULATEXT(A1),1)=”=” Then, apply a conditional format to A1 as shown below:...
View Article#Excel: Modifying Shapes From An UDF in a Worksheet Cell by David Hager
It is well-known that an used-defined function created with VBA and entered as a worksheet formula cannot alter the worksheet. But, it is not true. A number of examples where this can occur have been...
View Article#Excel Short and Sweep Tip #3 (Freeze Values) by David Hager
Highlight a worksheet range that contains formulas or a mixture of formulas and values. Grab the edge of the range with right-click and pull away, then immediately place back in the same range...
View ArticleExcel Short & Sweet Tip #4 (Hide Defined Names)
If you use a lot of defined name formulas, you might want to keep them from from being accidentally altered. You can run this procedure from a module in the VBE to accomplish this. Sub...
View ArticleExcel Short & Sweet Tip #5 (Hiding Error Triangles) by David Hager
Would you like a way to remove those green error checking triangles from worksheet cells, yet retain error checking? Go to File, Options, Formulas, Error Checking. Leave the “Enable background error...
View Article#Excel: Using Conditional Formatting to Highlight Cells Containing Native 3D...
Conditional formatting (CF) in Excel can be used to hightlight cells that meet certain criteria. In this case, I wanted to create a CF that would highlight cells containing formulas that use Excel’s...
View ArticleExcel Short & Sweet Tip #6 (Shuffling a String) by David Hager
The ability to randomly scramble a string using Excel formulas does not appear to be possible without helper cells. So, a VBA procedure is needed to accomplish this. Originally posted at:...
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