List of Priority Items from Another List Using #Excel TEXTJOIN Function by...
I mentioned in the previous article: that there were variations on...
View ArticleCreating a Priority List With #Excel by David Hager
In my previous article I demonstrated a technique to show a list based on priority....
View Article#Excel Short and Sweet Tip #28: Jazzing Up a Star Rating by Using the...
It is relatively simple to construct a star rating string (in this case 8 out of 10) by using the REPT function in the following formula. =REPT(UNICHAR(9733),8)&REPT(UNICHAR(9734),2) gives...
View ArticleExtracting Ingredients from an #Excel List by Cost Category by David Hager
Disclaimer: This technique uses the TEXTJOIN function. You need the Excel version included in Office 365 for the TEXTJOIN formula to work. There are quite a few examples of a material based on...
View ArticleDocumenting Formulas in an #Excel Range Using the FORMULATEXT, ISFORMULA and...
Documenting Excel formulas is an important step in the auditing of spreadsheets. Presented here is a new technique to aid in that process. The utility of the recently added FORMULATEXT, ISFORMULA and...
View Article#Excel Impossibly Easy #1: Return a 1D Array from Non-Contiguous Native 3D...
What if I told you that I had 2 non-contiguous 3D ranges in an Excel workbook and I wanted to return a single 1D array from those ranges. Impossible, right? No, it turns out that it is “easy”. Prior...
View ArticleReturning a List of Formulas Based on a Specific #Excel Function by David Hager
I recently published an article which showed how to document the existing formulas in a range....
View Article#Excel Impossibly Easy #2: Change Sheet Tab Color with a User-Defined...
What if I told you that I wanted to change tab colors on sheets in a workbook by entering a formula (UDF) on a worksheet. Impossible, right? No, it turns out that it is “easy”. This simple UDF (code...
View ArticleAdding Multiple DAX Measures to Non-PowerPivot Versions of #Excel using an...
In this article, Jeff Weir pointed to a video made by Mike Girvin about adding measures to non-PowerPivot versions of Excel...
View Article#Excel Advanced Filter: Selectively Show Control Chart Data by Standard...
For this technique, I am building it on the workbook made for the following article. Please download the example file and read the article, since the functionality is synergistic with it....
View ArticleUsing #Excel to Find How Far the Event is from Your Location
Note: It is important to note that this Excel model can be used any place in the world to look at the direction from storms or any other event. The destructive nature of hurricanes has been...
View ArticleHighlighting Actual Words in an #Excel List Using the Hyperlink Rollover Method
The Hyperlink Rollover technique was discovered by Jordan Goldmeier. It uses the HYPERLINK function with a VBA function procedure as the 1st argument. By passing the cursor over the cell containing...
View ArticleExcel Super Links 1-150
This time you really hit the jackpot! >850 Excel and Power BI Links, all of the best articles. Make this the cornerstone of your Excel resource library. Download the Word document here. Excel Super...
View ArticleGet Latest Storm Information in #Excel Using Only An Address and Storm Name
I recently published this article about the direction and distance of a tropical system from an address....
View ArticleGenerating a “Realtime” Voice Alert for the Latest Magnitude 5 or Greater...
I recently published an article about getting information on the latest earthquake of magnitude 5 or greater....
View Article#Excel Short and Sweet Tip #29: Inserting Icons Using a User-Defined Function
Disclaimer: You need the Excel version included in Office 365 for this technique to work. The insertion of icons in Excel 2016 is accomplished from the ribbon by selecting Insert, Icons. There are a...
View ArticleBoolean Formula for Repetitive Characters in a String
My answer to a Chandoo challenge. Not exactly the question most are answering, however. More robust. So, the string “hellp” (in cell A1) would return TRUE but “helpl” would return FALSE. I chose the...
View ArticleInsert a Line-Feed Between Every 3rd Character Using an Excel Worksheet Formula
Per an Oz Du Soleil post on how to separate 5 area codes in a single 15 character string with line breaks using Power Query here is a way to do the same...
View Article#Excel: Most Frequent Item in a List of Delimited Strings
rng is a defined name range on the worksheet with each cell containing delimited strings. Although it does not necessarily have to be a 1-column list, most examples of delimited strings in a range...
View Article#Excel: Remove Multiple Characters From a String Using The TEXTJOIN Function...
There are a number of examples of the removal of characters from a string which utilize nested SUBSTITUTE or REPLACE functions. However, they are hard-coded in that the formulas are built with a set...
View Article#Excel: Extracting an Array of Words From a Sentence
The following formula will create an array of words from a string (sentence). = ArrayFromSDS(TEXTJOIN(“”,,IF(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT(“1:”&LEN(A1))),1)=” “,”...
View Article#Excel Data Validation – Non-Contiguous Ranges and Changing Data Validation...
I recently saw this challenge for creating a data validation list from 2 non-contiguous ranges. Then, while looking up...
View ArticlexlCubeSuper An Excel Game Explained – Part1
I have just recently updated/modified my xlCube game that I first started on 20 years ago. The main modification is that it now has 7 cubes that must be destroyed before the game is over. For those who...
View ArticlexlCubeSuper An Excel Game Explained – Part2
In Part1, the new version of xlCube (now referred to as xlCubeSuper) was introduced. In Part2, I will describe the...
View ArticlexlCubeSuper An Excel Game Explained – Part3
This is the 3rd post to explain in detail how my xlCube game application was constructed. To read the previous post, go to:...
View ArticlexlCubeSuper An Excel Game Explained – Part4
This is the 4th post to explain in detail how my xlCube game application was constructed. To read the previous post, go to:...
View ArticlexlCubeSuper An Excel Game Explained – Part5
The main explanation text for this article is in black and bold font. This is the primary procedure used in xlCubeSuper. When a cell is clicked, something happens depending on where it is and what it...
View ArticlexlCubeSuper An Excel Game Explained – Part6
This article is Part6 of a detailed explanation of the parts that went into the making of my xlCube game. Sub NewGame() Over = False IniVar ClearBoard DeleteOldCubes AskForGameLevel tdAddNamedRanges...
View Article#Excel: Generate a List of Antonyms Using an User-Defined Function (UDF)
It really is amazing what you can do with an Excel user-defined function (UDF). Here is a list (not comprehensive) of articles from my website that demonstrate clever and unusual uses of UDFs....
View ArticleExcel Filter and Sort UDFs – Amazing!
In late September 2018, Microsoft revealed a number of fascinating new Excel worksheet functions.
View ArticleAdding Data Validation to ANY Cell Using an Excel User-Defined Function
In previous articles I have written about the connection between Excel UDFs and objects, I have noted that almost any object can be invoked through its use. So, it was with interest that I read a...
View ArticlexlCubeSuper7: An Unexpected Major Update – New Download – UDF Power
Due to some recent activity in the playing of this game, I started to think about any enhancements that would make the game easier to play. I realized that if a column was added to the scoring that...
View ArticleNew Excel #1 – Shuffling a String Using the new Dynamic Array Formulas
In October 2018 Microsoft rolled out what are called the new array functions. Therefore many people are calling this the new Excel and so I will call it that as well. I only obtained access to these...
View ArticleNew Excel #2 – Comparing String to Determine if They Are Anagrams Using...
One of my previous posts described a methodology for determining if two strings were anagrams – that is, if they contained the same letters in the same frequency, but in a different order....
View ArticleNew Excel #3 – Creating a Sorted Unique List from a Filtered Range Using...
One of the new Excel dynamic array functions is the UNIQUE function. It will return a unique list (array) if given a range of values that don’t have to be unique shown at the following URL:...
View ArticleNew Excel #4 -Determining if a String is an Isogram Using Dynamic Arrays
Sometimes, it is easier to see an answer than to verify its proof with a calculation. This is the case with determining whether a word is or is not an isogram, But, what is an isogram? A short...
View ArticleNew Excel #5 – Returning a Range of Last N Values in a Filtered List Using...
In a previous article on this blog, I showed how to create a range of the last N values in a range to be used in a sparkline chart (see at following URL)...
View ArticleNew Excel #6 – Returning a Table of First Occurrences from Master Table Using...
There are times when you have a table with a large number of records but you only want to see those records that represent the first time a record was entered in the table. For instance, a record of...
View ArticleNew Excel #7 – Creating an Unique List from a 3D Range Using Dynamic Arrays
In a previous blog post, I showed how to return unique items from a 3D range....
View ArticleExcel #8 – Making a Bingo Card Using Only Formulas with Dynamic Array Functions
Five years ago I made a Bingo card that used only formulas. The process of generating non-repeating random numbers using only formulas was developed at...
View ArticleLAMBDA Excel: Molecular Weight
BY DAVID HAGER This is my first post of many to come about the Excel LAMBDA function. Shown below are the first and best videos about LAMBDA. I strongly recommend that you watch these videos so that...
View ArticleLAMBDA Excel: BINGO
BY DAVID HAGER Here’s a quick and interesting use of the LAMBDA function as an adieu to 2020. I have written several blog posts on the creation of a Bingo board; the latest can be found here: Excel #8...
View ArticleLAMBDA EXCEL: Bible Verse
BY DAVID HAGER One of my first blog posts about the use of Excel’s web functions was about a method to return a specified Bible verse. Lookup a Bible Verse Using #Excel (w/o VBA) by David Hager –...
View ArticleLAMBDA EXCEL: Letter Grade
BY DAVID HAGER In a continuing series of posts on showing how to convert (long, but not necessarily long) Excel formulas into lambda functions, here is an useful formula I created for use in applying...
View ArticleLAMBDA EXCEL: DewPoint
Well, I had been waiting for Microsoft to release the LAMBDA (and helper) functions to the general public since my last post (over a year ago) so I decided to stop waiting and create another post....
View ArticleLAMBDA EXCEL: Simple Moving Average
by David Hager Just for fun: What is the hottest pork BBQ sauce? Give answers in comments and I will give mine in a subsequent post. Although I cannot read Microsoft’s mind, I am fairly certain that...
View ArticleLAMBDA EXCEL: WtFrac (percentage of an element in a chemical compound)
The calculation of molecular weight using LAMBDA can be seen in the link below. The algorithm used to return molecular weight...
As I mentioned in a previous article on the implementation of the new LAMBDA function in Excel, it was targeted (IMO) at commonly used but very complex Excel formulas and calculations. I became...
View Article25 years ago
In 1998 I published the 1st issue of the Excel Experts ELetter. EEE was intended to share the cutting edge Excel tips and tricks with the Excel developers of the world. 21 issues were published....
View ArticlexlCubeSuper An Excel Game Explained – Part3
This is the 3rd post to explain in detail how my xlCube game application was constructed. To read the previous post, go to:...
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