Here is a list of Excel For You blog posts (UPDATED – 06/07/2017) which have attached files.
Using Excel UDF to Translate a Phrase From One Language to Another by David Hager
Using #Excel to Make A Round Robin Tournament Schedule by David Hager
#Excel Short and Sweet Tip #19 (Invaluable Excel Speller) by David Hager
#Excel Short and Sweet Tip #18 (Toggle Formatting on Worksheet) by David Hager
#Excel: Project Tracking Workbook by David Hager
#Excel Short & Sweet Tip #16 (Multiple Delimiters with TEXTJOIN for Custom Formatting) by David Hager
#Excel Native 3D Ranges with the TEXTJOIN Function Plus Bonus by David Hager
#Excel UDF Using Google API to Return the Elevation of an Address by David Hager
#Excel: Creating a List of Option Expiration Dates and Triple Witching Dates with Excel Formulas by David Hagerthat can be downloaded.
Copy #Excel Chart as a Enhanced Metafile Picture by David Hager
#Excel: Removing Outliers with Excel Formulas to Modify Control Limits by David Hager
#Excel: Origin of Sparklines – LineChart VBA User-Defined Function by David Hager
#Excel: Finding and Visualizing the Last Record in a Table Based on Criteria by David Hager
#Excel Short and Sweet Tip #12 (Documenting Formulas and Highlighting Those Formulas With Conditional Formatting) by David Hager
#Excel: Creating a Environmental Variables Table with the VBA ENVIRON Function UDF by David Hager
#Excel Gems: A Valuable Collection of Excel and Power BI Links to Great Excel and Modern Excel Techniques by David Hager
#Excel: Building a Frequency Summary Table Based on an Excel List by David Hager
#Excel: A Model Using the CONVERT Function Containing Categories by David Hager
#Excel Magic Consolidator by David Hager
#Excel: Using Conditional Formatting to Highlight Cells That Contain Array Formulas Using the FORMULATEXT Function by David Hager
#Excel: Generating a Random Sampling From a List Using VBA and the TEXTJOIN Function by David Hager
#Excel Worksheet UDF that Adds a Comment to Any Cell by David Hager
#Excel: Using Conditional Formatting to Highlight 3D Formulas with Defined Names by David Hager
#Excel: Using Conditional Formatting to Highlight Cells Containing Native 3D Formulas by David Hager
#Excel: Using Conditional Formatting to Highlight Cells Containing User-Defined Functions by David Hager
#Excel: Modifying Shapes From An UDF in a Worksheet Cell by David Hager
#Excel: Combining and Refining a Static Filter List & Filter Criteria UDF by David Hager
#Excel: Using Advanced Filter with a Custom List By David Hager
#Excel VBA: Create a Table of File Locations and URLs for Your Favorites by David Hager
#Excel Identifying if a String is the Anagram of Another String Using the TEXTJOIN Function by David Hager
Mine3D for #Excel: An Excel-based Game by David Hager
Using the SUBTOTAL Function in #Excel To Aggregate Values From Multiple Filtered Lists by David Hager
Using #Excel VBA to Create a Filter Criteria Worksheet Function by David Hager
Multiple Lookup Values in a Single Cell (With/Without Duplicates) Using Only #Excel Formulas by David Hager
#Excel Shift Calendar by David Hager
Generating a Sorted Unique Array in #Excel using Only Formulas by David Hager
#Excel: Creating A List Made Up Of Formulas From A Filtered List by David Hager
#Excel Filtered List Using a Calculated Column to Count Occurrence Number by David Hager
Using the #Excel Advanced Filter to a List Having Internal Numbers in a String By David Hager
Using Conditional Formatting to Highlight Unique Items in an Excel Filtered List By David Hager
Chapter on Conditional Formatting in Excel by David Hager (a Blast from the Past)
Using the CHOOSE and AGGREGATE Functions To Apply Conditional Formatting to a Filtered List in Excel By David Hager
Creating a Unique Delimited String from an Excel Filtered List by Using the TEXTJOIN Function By David Hager
Archive of Excel Experts E-Letter (by David Hager)
Creating an Excel Table of Components By Product From a List Using the TEXTJOIN Function By David Hager
Using the Excel TEXTJOIN Function To Return Unique Items In A One-Cell Delimited String From A 2D and 3D Range By David Hager
xlCube: An Excel game
Power BI Help for Excel
BINGO! Excel Power Formula